Sarah provided a clear and concise presentation. The subject matter was interesting and Sarah highlighted the integral points. I look forward to future sessions.
John P.

​The information in the PowerPoint was excellent and so was the detail throughout. Very well-done and comfortable to any level of management.
Shelly J.

This session was much more than a training. To me, it was a great moment for a personal reflection on some of the most basic and important ideas around how to conduct our lives. She had a tremendous impact on me with her presentation.
Robert W.
Washington, DC

Sarah Zink is one of the most talented presenters I have encountered. The structure of her presentation is good and the content is "meat" that you can really sink your teeth into.
Jerry L.

Sarah provides clear and concise observations and action items. I look forward to future sessions.
Susan M.

Sarah Zink is one of the most talented trainers I have encountered. She structures her information in a way that you can understand; the content is "meat" that you can really sink your teeth into with clear actions I’m supposed to take to make the changes I’m after.
Jenny I.

We accomplished more in two hours of small business consulting with Sarah than we had in five weeks with someone else.
Mary Ann B.